How Boiler Economisers Can Help You Save Money on Energy Costs?

Did you know that a boiler economiser or flue gas heat recovery unit can significantly improve the efficiency of your boiler? Installing a heat exchanger on a boiler's stack can recover wasted heat. This device captures heat from flue gases produced by burning fuels, leading to reduced energy costs. Boiler water is heated with these gases and converted into steam for use in industries. To address this issue, boiler manufacturers install economisers to reduce energy consumption and preheat boiler feedwater. Efficiency boosters can lower operational costs for steam and hot water production when investing in or upgrading a boiler.

Interested to learn more? Read thoroughly.

What are the Functions of Boiler Economisers?

There are mainly two types of boiler economisers such as- condensing and non-condensing.

  • Condensing Economisers: Condensing economisers are highly efficient as they cool flue gases until water vapour transforms into liquid, releasing latent heat, which is then transferred to the boiler feedwater.

  • Non-Condensing Economisers: Improve the effectiveness of the economiser by controlling the inlet temperature and using type-dependent temperature sensors.

What are the Benefits of Installing a Boiler Economiser?

  1. Economisers have several benefits, including reduced fuel consumption, lower emissions, improved boiler efficiency, increased system lifespan, and reduced maintenance costs. 

  1. Economisers can result in considerable savings on energy expenses, up to 20%, by reducing fuel usage. 

  1. They also contribute to the reduction of emissions by decreasing the amount of fuel required for burning. With efficiency-boosting of boilers by up to 10%, economisers can also prolong their lifespan by reducing wear and tear on their components.

  1. Moreover, economisers require very little maintenance, which can save money in the long run.

Now, let’s take a quick look at some of the factors that impact the effectiveness of a boiler economiser:

  • Flue gas temperature

  • Boiler feedwater temperature

  • Economiser installation

  • Economiser type and size

Final Words:

Many respected companies in Australia offer condensing economisers that can help reduce a plant's environmental impact. These economisers "clean up" flue gases, lowering contaminant levels even after conventional flue-gas contaminant removal systems. 

If you're interested in purchasing high-quality boiler economisers at competitive prices, reach out to one of these reputable companies today!


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